20th Tactical Fighter Wing
RAF WEthersfield
Photo Gallery #11: 2012 Reunion in Des Moines, Iowa - 320th MMS
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Reception - Gary Palmer, Jon Crawford, Gary Broms and Paul Baker
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Gary Broms, Jim and Marie Jenkins
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Jim Jenkins, Gary Broms, Paul Baker Bob Strand, Gary Palmer and Jon Crawford
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Bob Strand, Paul Baker, Steve Bisel and Gary Broms
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Bobby arrives with our character witness
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Although never implicated, it appeared Gary Palmer and the character witness knew each other
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Gary Broms, although charged with serious violations, was cleared
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Reception - Jim Jenkins was overjoyed that his good name will not be sullied
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Bob Strand seemed to have some old memories stirred up
Submitted by Steve Bisel
It is not entirely clear why Gary Palmer did not have any outstanding violations from his time in Wethersfield
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Following the reception Gary Palmer hosted a great dinner in the hotel dining room
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Jon Crawford checking out a horse at the Altoona race track stables
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Bob Strand in the horse stables
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Jim and Marie Jenkins
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Gary Broms and Gary Palmer (with grandson)
Submitted by Steve Bisel
The group had a tour of tour of Iowa Speedway - a NASCAR track
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Group shot in front of the speedway
Submitted by Paul Baker
A couple hours of golf followed the speedway tour
Submitted by Steve Bisel
A couple hours of golf followed the speedway tour
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Group photo with wives at the golf course
Submitted by Paul Baker
Steve Bisel at the golf course
Submitted by Steve Bisel
At the Altoona race track
Submitted by Steve Bisel
A special feature was that one of the races was the 320MMS Memorial Race!
Submitted by Steve Bisel
At the race track
Submitted by Steve Bisel
Departure photo on Sunday (Jon Crawford had left earlier)
Submitted by Steve Bisel