People Of the 320th MMS

This page lists people who are registered members of, missing personnel (those who served in the 320th but who we haven't been able to contact), and deceased members.

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Please note that we do not make members personal information available to the general public on this web site. Private information is kept confidential and is only available to registered members of the site.

Registered Members

Veterans who served in the 320th MMS and are registered members.

NameAFSCTour Of Duty
Arneson, Robert4631964 to 1968
BACON, WILLARD461Sept. 69 - Sept 71
Bagdonas, Harold463Sep 65 - Sep 68
Baker, Paul461oct65-nov67
Beisel, Gerald (Jake)463Sep67-Sep70
Berchtold, Chuck462Apr 1966-Apr 1969
Bettge, David46210/69-6/70
Bisel, Steve46367-70
Blyseth, Robert461june1966 july 1969
Bothern, Lawrence462Jan 69-Jun70
Bounds, Larry461mar.1963 to mar. 1966
Broms, Gary  
Bryant, Bill ???
Buczek, Tom4611966-1969
Carr, Steve4631967-1970
Carranza, Jess4638/68 thru 8/72
Crawford, Jon462Jun 68-Sep 71
Cyrus, Neil4621971 - 1973
Daniels, Dennis R.462Apr. 66 - Apr. 69
Dillon, Delbert463Sep 65 - Sep 68
Double, Paul702Jul 65 - Jul 68
Fitzgerald, Robert6421964-1966
Ging, John4621966-1969
Gnich, Frederick462Sept 63 - Nov 66
Gomer, Howard463Jul 66 - May 68
Harper, Herb4621967-1970
Heflin, Billy461UH 12/67-5/71
Hicks, Don4611963-1966
Hudson, Bob316Oct 67 - Aug 70
HUMPHRIES, GARY4631972 - 1974
Jackman, Edson4611966-1969
Jernigan, Gilbert4611969-1973
Kaiser, Arthur462Feb62-June65
Kirkland, Frank  
Kress, Don46266-68
Linebarger, Steve461July 67 - Jan 71
Markus, Ronald3165/66-5/69
Marshall, Thomas 462April 1963-Sep 1966
McKenna, Marty4631967-1970
Megill, Alan4621966-1969
Meyers, Craig4617/67 - 1/71
Miller, Robert4621966-1969
Miller, Wayne5131966-1970
Mosley, Robert4611965-1968
Mulcahey, Michael461Jul 70- Jan72
Nielsen, Jim461Mar 64-Dec 67
Palmer, Gary4611965-1968
Roberts, Bob4621968-1970
Ross, Calvin461Sep70-Apr72
Schabel, Chuck461Jul67-Jan71
Scott, Gary461May 64- May 67
Skatberg, Leon462Nov 63-Nov 66
Smith, Donald B.4611965-1967
SMITH, JERRY46265-68
Strand, Robert316Jan.66-Apr.69
Stucker, Steve463Aug 1965- Aug 1968
Stull, Gary4621962-1965
Thomas, Alan46166-69
Turvey, James (Jim) W.645Mar 65 - May 68
wing, ralph463Aug 61 to Aug 65
Witherspoon, Oscar4614/26/65-10/19/68
Woodward, Bill (Woody)4631967-1970
Wooley, Gary4631966-1968
Woosley , Dale4611969-1970

Missing Personnel

These people served in the 320th MMS but their whereabouts are currently unknown.

NameAFSCTour Of Duty
(the Bloke), Stan  
Armstrong, William J.  
Baker, John4621967-1969
Bane, Thomas461 
Benson, Robert J.4631964-1967
Berry, Ronald D.316 
Bertolini, Lou46266-69
Bialokoz, Walter4611967-1970
Bibbee, Gary461 
Bigalow, Charles4611962-1965
Binney, John B.4611964-1967
Black, Danny4611963-1966
Brown, Dave?463approx 68-71
Brown, Ralph E.4611966-1969
Carlisle, Owen G.4611963-1966
Carroll, Phillip O.316 
Caswell, Rick  
Chatman, Grady  
Creighton, Charles V.4611965-1968
Crousne, Bob  
Danialivitch, James316 
Doughty, Robert  
Douglas, Earl S.6451965-1968
Downing, Barney4611960-1963
Elliott, Mike46267-70
Flynn, Jay4621963-1965
Ford, Donald E.463 
Forney, Jack A.4611966-1969
Furney, Tom4621966-1969
Gamble, Robert4621965-1968
Garrett, Randy46171-72
Gartside, Jim4611962-1965
Gary, Bob461 
Gordon, Flash4621963-1966
Hakamaki, Jerry7021964-1967
Hambury, Robert316 
Harms, Rodney46167-71
Herzog, Phil46267-70
Holt, Willie46266-69
Jacobs, Raymond461 
Jansen, Butch4621967-1969
Jeu, Fred 67 - 70 ?
Jones, Dwayne L.46165-68
Jordan, Kevin7021968 - 1970
Kizer, Glen A.463approx 65-68
Klandley, John R.  
Krahulec (?), Marlyn? (Marlin?) Mid Init is J 68 - ??
Kunka, Larry4621968-1970
Kwek, Raymond461 
Laird, Rick463approx 68-71
Langford, Terry46365-68?
Lindley, John 1965-1968
Lindsey, James F.6451966-69
Long, Ted461 apx. 1963-1966
McHale, Leo F.46165-68
McKee, Kenneth L.4611964-1967
Mello, John645 
Miller, Jim46363-66?
Mills, Steve  
Mosley, Robert E.46165-68
O'Hara, Joseph B.  
Pate, Preston H.4631965-1968
Paul, Jerry461 
Pierce, Larry3161966-1969
Prow, Kenneth462 
Richards, ???316Oct 67-Oct 69
Ron, Marcus3161965-1968
Shahan, Larry46165-67
Shaw, Raymond461 
Shiefer, Edward C.6451966-1969
Smith, James B.6451963-1966
Sniffen, Dan  
Thomas, Eddie R. C.6451965-1968
Thompson, Eric  
Thrash, Lester4611964-1967
Vaughn, Stanley L.4631965-1968
Williams, Ralph6451965-1968
Woolsley, Beverly461 

Those We Remember

Veterans of the 320th MMS who have passed away.

NameAFSCTour Of Duty
Apgar, William  
Brunker, Richard W.4611964-1967
Casinelli (Cas), Melvin4611962-1966
Criddle, Bob316Oct 67-Oct 70
Dobbs, Troy463May 67- May 70
Fleeman, Kenneth461May 67-May 70
Gebhardt, Gary46269-??
Hambrick, Conrad M. 46368-70
Hamilton, Don461Aug 63 - Aug 66
Heard, Richard4611963-1966
Ingram, Marv463approx 69-72
Jenkins, Jim4611967-1969
Josey, Lawson463Nov 64-Nov 67
King sr., Rodney4611967 - 1969
Koulik, Edward46167-69
Lawrence, Barnie O.46363-66
Lindsay, Jerrell46266-69
Monk, Thomas J. (Chip)4631968-70
Possee, Thomas D.4611964-1967
Rood, Franklin W.4631963-1966
Schultz, Merlyn4611967-1970
Simpson, Derald (BUZZ)4611965-1967
Smallwood, John T.4611966-69
Smith, Lawrence46268/70
Strobel, Chris463Sept 65 - Sept 67
Vladika, William4611969-1971